Tatuanui School - A rural school making a difference

Reaching our full potential and
being the best we can be!

 2025 School Term Dates 
 Term 1:    Monday 3rd February  - Friday 11th April 
 Term 2:    Monday 28th April  - Friday 27th June
 Term 3:    Monday 14th July - Friday 19th September
 Term 4:    Monday 6th October - Tuesday 16th December

Public Holidays
Waitangi DayThursday 6th February
Easter Good FridayFriday 18th April
Easter Monday, Easter TuesdayMonday 21st April & Tuesday 22nd April 
ANZAC DayFriday 25th April  
Kings BirthdayMonday 2nd June 
Teacher Only DayTuesday 3rd June
Matariki HolidayFriday 20th June
Labour Day Monday 27th October 
Teacher Only DayTuesday 28th October

 Bell Times: 
 Bell Before School Starts8.55am
 School Starts9:00am
 Brain Food10.05am
 Morning Tea Break11.10am
 Learning Time11:30am
 Read & Feed12:30pm
 We Care Duties1.20pm
 Learning & Teaching1.30pm 
 First Mini Van Run2.40pm
 School Ends 2.45pm 
 Bus Bell3.10pm